Special thanks to Medicover Foundation, the Main Partner of the Queen Silvia Nursing Award in Poland, for the original version of this interview with 2021 winner, Julia Osiecka.
The below is an English translation of the original which can be found here.
Julia – could you please tell us more about yourself? Could you please share something about your hometown and early inspirations that led you to study nursing?
Warsaw is my hometown, this is where I grew up and where I lived my younger years. I graduated from three schools in Warsaw: Primary School No. 267 named after Juliusz Słowacki in Żoliborz, Junior High School No. 165 named after Joachim Lelewel and Bilingual Secondary School named after Stefania Sempołowska.
I didn't have one particular inspiration to study nursing. I have always been interested in topics related to medicine. As a child, I read colorful books about the human body, then I watched series and movies about doctors and health care. As an teenager, I devoured scientific articles and biographies of people associated with medicine.
The role of a nurse is close to the patient and his/her needs, and I love people. I believe that humans are beautiful and unexplored, extremely interesting in every way. I wanted a career and knowledge that would bring about good and serve the public.
This is why I chose nursing.
How did you get interested in the Queen Silvia Nursing Award?
The Queen Silvia Nursing Award competition, which I found out about while at my university, struck me as extremely interesting. I decided to participate in the competition and a chance for great success.
Life has shown me many times that dreams will not come to us and we will not be rewarded if we don’t try different things and use the opportunities we get to rise higher each and every day. That's what I decided to do, to take advantage of the chance to make my dreams come true.
Where did the idea for the project "A Trip Down the Memory Lane" come from?
The idea is the result of observing the world and our personal experiences. By sending my competition application, I wanted to propose something new and unknown. Before "A Trip Down the Memory Lane" was written, I had many more ideas in my head, but none of them seemed to stick.
I believe that modern technology is the future, also in the world of medicine. Recalling my own experiences, what was interesting to me, what I shared with others, I decided to write a project related to virtual reality. Reading various books and scientific articles related to the challenges of the elderly, and being a direct witness to them, I came to the conclusion that this is the idea I wanted to share with the world.
What was the challenge for you in the competition?
The biggest challenge for me was to defend my idea before the Queen Silvia Nursing Award Jury.
How would you like your winning project to benefit older people and people living with dementia?
I would like my project to bring joy to the elderly and people living with dementia. I want them to know that they are not forgotten by society.
How do you intend to use the Award and the learning and networking opportunities?
I intend to gain as much experience as possible and use all the opportunities for personal development and implementation of my winning idea.
What are your next steps related to your victory in the 6th Polish edition of the Queen Silvia Nursing Award competition?
The next steps related to winning the Queen Silvia Nursing Award will be my participation in the learning and networking opportunities, as well as gradual attempts to implement the idea.